Our no-code wallet analytics tool helps you conduct an in-depth analysis of all of your wallets’/users’ behaviours and develop detailed wallet profiles aimed at aligning your efforts with your product development plans.

Here are some of the key insights that you would be easily able to infer using the tool.

DEX Ecosystem

Token Holding Patterns Analysis Wallet Activity Segmentation Trading Platform Comparison Liquidity Provision Analysis Trade Activity Patterns Additional Specific Metrics
Token Category Holdings Breakdown of wallet token holdings by categories (e.g., stablecoins, bluechip, native meme, AI, protocol, gaming). Volume-Based Buckets
Grouping wallets based on the total volume traded in any specific period. Aggregator vs. Direct Trades
Volume and number of trades conducted through Jupiter (an aggregator) versus directly on the DEX. Token-Specific Liquidity Contribution
Analysis of liquidity provided by wallets for specific tokens on your platform versus competitors. Token Choice Analysis Identification of preferred tokens for trading within wallets, categorized by token type. Inter-Category Trading Flows:
Tracking how wallets move value between different token categories over time.
Historical Holding Flow
Changes in the composition of token categories over time within wallets Trade Count Buckets
Categorizing wallets by the number of trades conducted. Platform Preference Ratio
Ratio of trading volume and trade count on Jupiter vs. the DEX, indicating platform preference. Pool-Specific Liquidity Contribution Analysis of liquidity provided by wallets for specific pools like SOL-USDC on your platform versus competitors. Direct vs through liquidity management platforms like Kamino Finance. Trading Time Patterns
Analysis of when wallets are most active in trading (time of day, day of the week). Competitor Platform Loyalty: Measuring how consistently wallets trade on competitor platforms versus exploring multiple options.
Average Holding Duration
Average time tokens are held in each category before being traded or transferred. Cross-Platform Activity Comparison Comparing top wallets’ volume, trade, LP metrics with activities on competitor platforms and the broader Solana DEX ecosystem. Liquidity Location Comparison Comparison of where wallets prefer to provide liquidity for the same tokens across the Solana DEX landscape. Trade Amount Patterns
Typical trade sizes for wallets, identifying small, medium, and large traders. Liquidity Pool Preferences Identifying specific liquidity pools that attract the most consistent wallet engagement across platforms.
Token Category Preferences
Analysis of preferred token categories within each bucket, across different platforms. Like analysing wallets who only trades bluechip tokens across Solana. Liquidity Duration
Average duration liquidity is provided by wallets before being withdrawn. Trade Direction Trends
Trends in buying vs. selling activities across different token categories. Cross-Category/Platform Liquidity Provision
Analysis of wallets providing liquidity in multiple token categories and their preferences.
Wallet Churn and Reactivation Examine wallets that have churned, the churn period, and their transition to alternative platforms. Investigate wallets that are reactivated, focusing on the initial interaction post-reactivation. Wallet Reactivity to Market Events
Measuring changes in wallet activity patterns in response to market news or events, categorized by token type and trading volume.
Activity after token launch on competitors
Analyzing your wallet activity and market dynamics following the launch of tokens on competitors platforms, focusing on shifts in trading behaviour. LP fees and protocol revenue Analyzing LP fees and protocol revenue generated from the activity of top wallets and comparing them with competitors.
Impact of fee tier
Analysing the impact of pool fee tier on wallets’ trading behaviour

NFT Ecosystem

NFT Holding Patterns Analysis Wallet Activity Segmentation Trading Platform Comparison Trade Activity Patterns Additional Specific Metrics for NFTs
NFT Category Holdings
Breakdown of wallet NFT holdings by categories (e.g., art, collectibles, utility, gaming). Volume-Based Buckets
Grouping wallets based on the total volume traded in any specific period. Primary vs. Secondary Market Trades Volume and number of trades conducted in primary sales directly from creators versus secondary market trades. NFT Choice Analysis
Identification of preferred NFTs for trading within wallets, categorized by NFT type. Inter-Category Trading Flows Tracking how wallets move value between different NFT categories over time.
Historical Holding Flow
Changes in the composition of NFT categories over time within wallets. Volume-Based Buckets
Grouping wallets based on the total secondary trade volume in a specific period. Platform Preference Ratio
Ratio of trading volume and trade count on primary issuance platforms vs. secondary marketplaces, indicating platform preference. Trading Time Patterns
Analysis of when wallets are most active in buying or selling NFTs (time of day, day of the week). Competitor Platform Loyalty Measuring how consistently wallets engage with competitor NFT platforms versus exploring multiple options.
Average Holding Duration Average time NFTs are held in each category before being sold or transferred. Transaction Count Buckets Categorizing wallets by the number of NFT trades conducted. Trade Amount Patterns
Typical trade sizes for wallets, identifying small, medium, and large collectors. Collection Preferences
Identifying specific NFT collections that attract the most consistent wallet engagement across platforms.
Cross-Platform Activity Comparison Comparing volume and trade count metrics with activities on competitor NFT platforms and across the Solana NFT ecosystem. Buying vs. Selling Trends
Trends in purchasing vs. selling activities across different NFT collection. Cross-Category Collection Interest
Analysis of wallets interested in multiple NFT categories and their preferences.
NFT Category Preferences
Analysis of preferred NFT categories within each bucket, across different platforms. Wallet Reactivity to NFT Drops and Events
Measuring changes in wallet transaction patterns in response to NFT drops, auctions, or community events, categorized by NFT type and transaction volume.

Lending & Borrowing Ecosystem

Loan Portfolio Analysis User Behavior Segmentation Activity and Engagement Trends Market Dynamics and Platform Performance Risk and Collateral Management Cross-Platform Comparison Innovative Use Cases and Trends
Asset Composition
Analysis of the types of assets held by wallets that are frequently lent out or borrowed, including stablecoins, native token, and tokenized assets. Lender vs. Borrower Profiles Differentiating wallets based on their activities as lenders or borrowers, including segmentation by volume and frequency of transactions. Active vs. Passive Participants Identifying trends in user engagement, such as those who actively manage their loans and positions versus those who prefer set-and-forget lending or borrowing strategies. Supply and Demand Fluctuations Analyzing how supply (lending) and demand (borrowing) fluctuate over time and the impact on interest rates and platform liquidity. Collateralization Patterns Understanding the types of collateral preferred by borrowers, including analysis of over-collateralization vs. under-collateralization trends. User Migration Patterns
Insights into the movement of users between platforms, identifying reasons for platform switching such as better rates, lower fees, or more favorable loan terms. Emerging Asset Trends Identifying new or emerging assets being lent or borrowed, and how these trends might indicate shifts in market sentiment or new opportunities.
Loan Duration and Terms
Insights into the average duration of loans and preferred loan terms (interest rates, collateral requirements) by different user segments. Risk Appetite Classification Classifying users based on their risk appetite, as indicated by the types of loans they engage in (e.g., over-collateralized vs. under-collateralized, short-term vs. long-term). Repeat Borrowing Behavior
Tracking the frequency of borrowing by individual wallets to identify patterns of repeat behavior and loyalty to specific platforms. Platform Utilization Rates
Insights into how effectively platforms match lenders with borrowers, including metrics on loan origination rates and times to match. Liquidation Events Analysis
Tracking and analyzing liquidation events to identify risk factors and the effectiveness of platform risk management practices. Competitive Positioning
Analysis of how your platform's offerings (interest rates, loan options, user experience) compare to competitors within the Solana ecosystem. DeFi Integration
Insights into how lending and borrowing activities integrate with broader DeFi strategies, such as yield farming or leveraging positions in other DeFi protocols.

Liquidity Provision Ecosystem

LP Wallet Segmentation Liquidity Pool Dynamics Cross-DEX Liquidity Analysis Liquidity Events and Wallet Behaviour Risk and Return Analysis Liquidity Withdrawal Patterns Smart Contract Interactions Liquidity Provision Correlation with Market Events Wallet Loyalty and Platform Preferences Innovative Liquidity Metrics
Volume Based Segmentation
Categorizing LP wallets based on the total liquidity provided. Pool Stability Score
Evaluating the volatility of liquidity within specific pools over time. Cross-DEX Migration Patterns
Tracking wallets that move liquidity across DEXs and identifying patterns or triggers. Pre and Post Liquidity Event Analysis
Examining wallet behaviour before and after significant liquidity events (e.g., token launches, pool incentives changes). Impermanent Loss Exposure
Estimating the exposure of LP wallets to impermanent loss across different pools. Withdrawal Triggers
Identifying common triggers for liquidity withdrawal (e.g., market downturns, better opportunities elsewhere). Automated Liquidity Management
Analyzing the use of smart contracts for automated liquidity provision and withdrawal. Market Sensitivity Index Measuring how liquidity provision by wallets correlates with broader market events (e.g., price volatility, major announcements). Platform Loyalty Index Quantifying the loyalty of LP wallets to specific DEX platforms over time. Liquidity Efficiency Score Evaluating how efficiently liquidity provided by wallets is utilized in trades.
Duration-Based Segmentation
Grouping LP wallets by the duration their liquidity is locked in pools. Yield Comparison
Comparing the yield rates across different liquidity pools and tokens. Impact of Incentive Programs
Analyzing the effect of liquidity mining and other incentive programs on LP behaviour.

| | Return on Liquidity Provided (RoLP) Calculating the returns earned by wallets from liquidity provision, considering both yield and impermanent loss. | | Reinvestment Patterns Tracking how wallets reinvest withdrawn liquidity across the ecosystem. | | Contract-Based Strategies Identifying wallets employing complex strategies (e.g., yield farming loops) through smart contract interactions. | | Event-Driven Liquidity Flows Tracking significant shifts in liquidity provision in response to specific market events. | | Multi-Platform Liquidity Provision Identifying wallets that provide liquidity across multiple platforms and their allocation strategies. | | Liquidity Pool Innovation Index Tracking the adoption of innovative liquidity pools (e.g., concentrated liquidity, dynamic fees) by wallets. | | Token Diversity Index Measuring the diversity of tokens in which a wallet provides liquidity. | | Pool Dominance Identifying wallets that dominate liquidity provision in specific pools. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |